March 23, 2011

Worthless Striving

The leader appointed me to be free,
Managing the whole so that I can see
How to make groups of the same degree,
Giving the best as one, two, and three.

I then refused what had assigned,
For I thought decisions sometimes inclined,
That can make people became blind,
A very difficult task to rewind.

No one had accepted to be the holder,
Making me to be the treasure keeper;
Jewelries were hard to discover,
So with they’re difficult to cover.

Festivity was approaching to be near,
Season of giving gifts became so clear;
Eliminating sorrow and unshedding a tear
Hopefully be happened throughout the year.

I made my duty full of efforts,
Creating a script for our dramatic sports;
Calling thespians of different sorts,
But was like waiting twelve hours in all airports.

So much more when someone interpolated,
That willingness should be imparted;
One decided to quit and shyness be cemented,
My goal then was only in dreams located.

Timeless Image

Seasons change from time to time,
People make things in a different rhyme;
Some aims to reach the tried prime,
But soon almost all involve in crime.

Memories remain inside my mind,
Before and now, moments may bind;
Blood flows and nerves have signed
A contract of knowledge in me to be vined.

I still remember what few had made,
Getting vital things and with others played;
Objects of the same got into trade,
Like ancients before, foreigners came to invade.

There comes another minute of picture,
Changes that greatly cover the nature;
Wellness can be previously seen as a lure,
But soon damage is felt that needs a cure.

We are born to build our own statue,
As modern heroes that’re full of virtue;
Putting best foot forward against an issue
Of difficulty that is really hard to review.

Today’s life supposedly be male and female,
As well as boats include paddling for us to sail;
Now, unfaithfulness comes out from a firm jail,
To manage society and immorality on sale.

One says, Greek Aphrodite is in the air,
Resembling women as great men’s pair;
Around the world I always stare,
But find her beauty absolutely rare.

Tasteless Existence

Wow! Excitement directed me to study,
And never transformed me to be lazy;
I was always prepared and not unready,
Projects and assignments seemed too easy.

Oh, teacher, my knowledgeable teacher,
Have you made me into a lesson giver?
Or can be considered as an education lover
Who learned facts and shared to other?

But what was this I had done?
Creating a fault which no one can run;
I converted myself, no longer a son,
But a man whose hell life had begun.

I’m still studying, not yet have work,
And I’m dwelling here, not in New York;
How can I surely share ‘spoon and fork’
If I, myself, can annually only taste pork?

Oh, my beloved origin, I’m very sorry,
Thy ambition for me is going into scary
For I know you’re now in great worry,
My life has started its unflavored story.

My study continues but is being neglected,
'Cause flavorless life of mine has been reflected;
I wonder how these burdens be lifted
To the apex of success and be accepted.

Priceless Knowledge

Poverty is not a hindrance,
In having education and its importance;
Good and bad things must have balance,
So, be strong and have reliance.

Education is also for poor,
Learning schools should open their door;
Teach them to learn more,
To move forward and across the core.

Books and magazines are some of our sources
Of information which help different courses;
Also these can be the great forces,
To prevent our minds from acquiring lapses.

We should know the importance of literacy,
And should not be considered as fallacy;
It can develop our intimacy
To others and share our competency.

Endless Friendship

At first, I was afraid to make things,
For my mind was tied with strings,
Covered with dark clouds a storm brings,
And nega thoughts that burdened birds’ wings.

I was alone with only one dime,
Not expecting someone’ll approach one time,
It was great as the sun started to climb,
My miserable soul then showed up from slime.

We became close as time passed by,
Doing activities to be try and try,
Giving our best, forever didn’t die,
And swore each other, “Never say goodbye.”

There came an instance of division,
Two groups were needed for the completion
Of aimed goal and for the promotion
Of youths in the very proud nation.

I had worked with my groupmates,
Where I found someone same as my traits;
We became friends without having hates,
Eliminating sorrow yet wanting previous states.

Fate created a way after that activity,
Without showing the owned worst capability;
We were close again just for the totality
That we became three out of great scarcity.

At times, we always headed the whole,
Helping hands made to be our role
For members who had sacrificed their soul,
Just to reach what their parents called “goal”.

Again and again, there was one who came,
Creating us into a whole of fame;
Any kind of success which no one could blame
Had built an assembly with a very unique name.

The thoughts of four ordinary creatures under the sun
Established ideas where reasons could depend upon;
Different views of life were combined in one,
Hoping we will stick to one and never be outrun.

Countless Blessings

Family and all of our friends,
Whose never-ending strength never bends,
Give our lives meaningful blends
Of peace with the hope that never ends.

Our world which happiness surrounds,
Full of memories that a loner astounds,
And builds attention and harmonic sounds,
Combining different stories that a leader founds.

Guidance is there when we’re alone,
With the help of God in every zone,
Believing no one can get into our throne,
Unless all people will have their own phone.

One, two, three, four, and five,
Graces can’t be counted if we survive
Against the tests of life, we can revive
All good memories that we must strive.

Six, seven, eight, nine, and ten,
We wonder the flow of lucks ends, when?
It will, when women learn to hate men,
As a rooster erases his love to a hen.